Friday, January 19, 2007

White Sands, NM.

Alex at White Sands.

Me and Alex having a lunch break at White Sands, NM.

My mom and me with Alex at the shopping mall in a nearby city. The kid sure makes us shell out the $$ for these coin games!

This is my Mom's front porch.

Alex actually in the bed.

Alex trying out his Thomas travel bed that my Mom got for him.

This was our rental car. Yep, the thing was gold colored. I felt like we were travelling in a Ferrero Rocher chocolate.

Honeymoon pics! Welcome to the Southwest!

Our first breakfast in the US, El Paso, TX. Around 6AM and we were ready to hit the road (and the gym) after this table load! Not surprisingly, we didn't even near finish this stuff.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Alex tasting the cake.

Popping the bubbly!

Cutting the cake

Andrea and I in Bologna's main plaza.

Andrea and I getting lots and lots and lots of rice thrown at us!

Alex and Andrea after the ceremony - my two favorite males all dressed up! Alex was sad because he didn't get to carry the rings.

I just put Andrea's ring on his hand here.

I'm laughing because Andrea had trouble untying the ring.

Alex with his beloved kitty at the reception

Andrea and I before exchanging rings.